Mental Frameworks

Within the book Mental Fascination William Walker Atkinson provides Mental Frameworks which are quite useful for further developing oneself. The nine Mental Frameworks are as follows (Pages 112 - 113):

  1. I Surround Myself with an Atmosphere of Success.
  2. I am Positive. I have a Strong Will. I make a Positive Impression on those coming into my Field of Force.
  3. I Am Fearless - Absolutely Fearless - Nothing can Harm Me.
  4. I Kill Out All Worry and Discouragement - I Radiate Hope, Cheerfulness and Good Nature. I Am Bright, Cheerful and Happy, and make all around me feel the same way.
  5. I am Well Poised, Calm and Self-Controlled. I have a Perfect Mastery over my Temper, Emotions and Passions, and All recognize this to be a fact.
  6. I am at Ease here, and all Bashfulness and Timidity has departed. I am Calm, at Ease and feel at Home.
  7. People like me - I am surrounded with a Mental Atmosphere that causes People to Like Me.
  8. I am Master of my surroundings - nothing disturbs - nothing affects me adversely - I am Master.
  9. I am surrounded with a Mental Atmosphere of Protection. No one’s adverse thoughts, currents or suggestions can penetrate this Protective Armor. I am safe from mental attacks. I am Safe, Strong and Positive.

Atkinson advises while reviewing these frameworks to create a Mental Atmosphere through Mental Imaging and Visualization. The importance of this process is described by Atkinson within the following statement: “put flesh on these verbal skeletons and make a Living Force out of these dry-bony words.”

William Walker Atkinson describes the process of creating a Mental Atmosphere through Mental Imaging and Visualization within Mental Fascination.

Mental Fascination by William Walker Atkinson may be purchased at the Celestial Source Bookstore.

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