
The Ancient Mysteries

The Ancient Mysteries

The Ancient Mysteries are a fascinating topic that date back to the origin of the universe itself. We are aware that there were mystery schools in Egypt thousands of years ago, and knowledge from these schools was passed along through individual instruction to Greece, India, and later to the West. Key individuals throughout history had journeyed to Egypt at various points, received instruction in the mysteries, and later brought them back to their own lands. Some even started their own mystery schools to perpetuate the tradition. But where did the mysteries originate? Were they discovered by humanity, or...

Do You Know When to Take Action?

Do You Know When to Take Action?

Knowing when to take action can often be difficult. When confronted with decision points it is easy to become paralyzed by analyzing all possible alternatives. Is the action being considered appropriate? Is the timing for the given action appropriate?

Earlier we had discussed the importance of recognizing spiritual guidance and the requirement to act upon received guidance. But how can you be confident that you are acting upon true spiritual guidance and not just a passing whim?

The key to taking confident action...

Are You Seeking Guidance But Not Sure Where to Look?

Are You Seeking Guidance But Not Sure Where to Look?

Many people in the world today are looking for some form of guidance, either knowingly or unknowingly. They look to others, whether it is an authority figure or peer and may even hire others for life coaching and general advice. What a majority fail to realize is that the answer lies within ourselves.

There is an inner light which may serve to guide us along our life’s journey. This inner light guides us mainly through intuition or a deep sense or feeling when reaching decision points.  This feeling is not the passion or rush of excitement...

Mental Frameworks

Mental Frameworks

Within the book Mental Fascination William Walker Atkinson provides Mental Frameworks which are quite useful for further developing oneself. The nine Mental Frameworks are as follows (Pages 112 - 113):

  1. I Surround Myself with an Atmosphere of Success.
  2. I am Positive. I have a Strong Will. I make a Positive Impression on those coming into my Field of Force.
  3. I Am Fearless - Absolutely Fearless - Nothing can Harm Me.
  4. I Kill Out All Worry and Discouragement - I Radiate Hope, Cheerfulness and...

Fear as an Engine

The following is a passage from Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho (Page 53):

"The Warrior of the Light knows that everyone is afraid of everyone else.

This fear generally manifests itself in two ways: through aggression or through submission. They are two facets of the same problem. 

This is why, whenever he finds himself before someone who fills him with fear, the Warrior reminds himself that the other person has the same insecurities as he has. He has surmounted similar obstacles and experienced the same problems.

But he knows how to deal with the situation better. Why? Because...