News — Concentration
Pyramids of Spiritual Development
As a person develops spiritually their area of focus changes and evolves over time. Ernest Wood provides an interesting illustration of this shift in focus within his book Concentration: An Approach to Meditation (Page 100):
“The first figure indicates the condition of an undeveloped man, in whom the physical nature is dominant and the will is weak, the second that of one very advanced in whom the balance is reversed; other people lie between the two.”
The Benefits of Meditation
There are many benefits for developing a regular meditation routine. Perhaps one of the clearest and most straightforward methods of communicating these benefits is the analogy of the two jars as presented by Ernest Wood within his book Concentration: An Approach to Meditation (Page 95):
“The first jar represents the ordinary man; the three levels of the jar, the physical, emotional and mental sections of his personal constitution. Physically he is restless and distracted by everything that touches his senses; emotionally he has little self-control, and the most trifling event can destroy his...